RSC INTEL (now: opaxe™)

JORC Table 1: Just answer the question!

Improved supervised classification of bedrock in areas of transported overburden: Applying domain expertise at Kerkasha, Eritrea

Element mobility and spatial zonation associated with the Archean Hamlet orogenic Au deposit, WA

Maximising the value of Portable XRF data in exploration: An example from Marirongoe, Mozambique

Domaining in Mineral Resource Estimation: A Stock-Take of 2019 Common Practice

RC Drilling & Sampling: Optimizing the Quantity – Quality Balance

Seabed Mineral Resources - A Review of Current Mineral Resources and Future Developments

Quality Control on Assay data - Addressing Some Issues

Seabed Mineral Deposits - An Overview of Sampling Techniques and Future Developments

Optimisation of Metallurgical Plant Sampling Procedures at the Macraes Gold Mine

The Konongo Gold Project, Ghana: An Example of How Geology Makes All the Difference to a Resource Estimate