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Bellevue Gold Ltd.





Report Code:JORC
Report Type:Resource Estimation
Project Stage:Pursuing Resource Increase/Upgrade
Report details:1-8-2018: Bellevue Gold Ltd. announces a Resource Estimation report for its Bellevue deposit at the Bellevue project. Initial mineral resource estimate for Bellevue Gold project. Bellevue Gold Ltd is pleased to announce the maiden independent JORC 2012 re
Resources:(Resource, Inf.): 1.9Mt @ 8.2g/t for 500Koz contained at Bellevue
CP/QP:[Resources]: Brian Wolfe (Independent)
ABSTRACT:Bellevue Gold Ltd is pleased to announce the maiden independent JORC 2012 resource estimate for the Bellevue Gold Project The maiden resource estimate covers the “Western Corridor” deposits including Southern Belle and, Tribune Lodes, and the Bellevue and Hamilton lode systems in the “Bellevue Surrounds” area. Resources have been grouped as such below in Table 1. All resources are reported at a 3.5 g/t gold lower cut off which is deemed acceptable based on approximate industry costings associated with the likely mining method (narrow vein underground). All resources are classified as Inferred. Executive Director Mr Steve Parsons commented: “We are very pleased to be able to report this sizable high-grade maiden independent gold resource estimate for the Bellevue Gold Project. We view this very much an interim resource, with significant scope to delineate further highgrade gold ounces from the current step-out drilling underway at both the Tribune Lode and new Bellevue extension discovery. With ongoing drilling over the next few months, we anticipate strong news flow and expect to upgrade the resource estimate later this year.”

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